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Kursangebote >> Kursbereiche >> Sprachen >> Englisch >> Business English

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auf Warteliste Online: Business English B1

(, Online, ab Di., 20.2., 17.00 Uhr )

Refine your Business English! Unlock the potential of effective professional communication with our comprehensive B1 level online Business English course. Dive into a structured program designed to improve your vocabulary, refine your writing techniques, polish your presentation skills, and develop the art of successful negotiation. Seize the opportunity to take your professional communication to new heights and join us now!
Der Kurs findet über das Videokonferenzsystem Zoom statt. Den Link zur Veranstaltung erhalten Sie rechtzeitig vor Beginn.
Lehrbuch wird im Kurs bekannt gegeben.

auf Warteliste Online: Business English B1

(, Online, ab Do., 29.2., 17.00 Uhr )

Refine your Business English! Unlock the potential of effective professional communication with our comprehensive B1 level online Business English course. Dive into a structured program designed to improve your vocabulary, refine your writing techniques, polish your presentation skills, and develop the art of successful negotiation. Seize the opportunity to take your professional communication to new heights and join us now!
Der Kurs findet über das Videokonferenzsystem Zoom statt. Den Link zur Veranstaltung erhalten Sie rechtzeitig vor Beginn.
Lehrbuch wird im Kurs bekannt gegeben.

auf Warteliste Online: Business English B1

(, Online, ab Do., 18.4., 18.15 Uhr )

Aside from using our English book, this course will also be your Business English Club B1, where you can talk, discuss and have fun.
The group decides on the reading material.

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Das Programmheft Frühjahr/Sommer 2024

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